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IT-Extreme - 2016 Thermaltake CaseMOD meghívásos verseny, 2. évad

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Sulaki - 2016-09-26

A világ legnagyobb nemzetközi versenyét a Thermaltake a prémium partnerével, a Newegg Inc.-vel rendezi meg

A Thermaltake 2 2. alkalommal hirdette meg a Thermaltake CaseMOD meghívásos modding versenyét, mely a „2016 Thermaltake CaseMOD meghívásos verseny, 2. évad” nevet kapta.

A világ legnagyobb nemzetközi versenyét a Thermaltake a prémium partnerével, a Newegg Inc.-vel rendezi meg. Összesen 13 ország (Egyesült Államok, Argentína, Ecuadora, Brazília, Németországa, Franciaország, Lengyelország, Oroszország, Kína, India, Thaiföld, Malajzia és Ausztrália) legkiválóbb modderei képviseltetik magukat. A rendezvény helyszíne a Tt Community és a mai naptól indul a verseny.

A résztvevők a Thermaltake vízhűtését és a Toughpower DPS G RGB 1250W Titanium okos tápegységet építik bele az általuk megálmodott és átalakított Core X71 teljes méretű toronyházba, vagy a Core X5
méretű cube házba.


Ebben az évadban a Thermaltake jóvoltából már szavazhatunk is az egyes moddokra a Tt MOD applikáción keresztül. Természetesen a
felhasználókra is gondoltak, ott a Tt Community-ben tudják leadni szavazataikat a kedvenc modderükre.

A verseny kétkörös. Első körben szeptember 26. és november 18., majd a fináléban december 15. és december 29. között lehet szavazni a versenyzőkre és moddjaikra.

A Thermaltake mindenkit szeretettel vár. A szavazók között értékes Thermaltake, TT Premium, Tt eSPORTS, LUXA2 ajándékokat is kisorsolnak a továbbá Newegg, Intel, ASUS és AVEXIR nyeremények is gazdára találnak. A szavazás alapján, a legjobb három modder 15.000USD pénzdíjazásban is részesül.

A győztesek nevét 2017 januárjában teszik közzé.


További információ az eseményről: http://casemod.thermaltake.com/2016s2

2016 Thermaltake CaseMOD Invitational Season 2

Thirteen of the WorldTop Modders Compete to Win

Largest Event with Five New Countries Join the Competition


Taipei, TaiwanSeptember 22nd , 2016-Thermaltake, a leading brand in CaseMOD community, together with its premium partner Newegg Inc.,bring back the largest international modding event of the year, the 2016 Thermaltake CaseMOD Invitational Season 2. The event takes place in the Tt Community starting from today, and features thirteen of the world’s most excellent casemodders from the United States, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Germany, France, Poland, Russia, China, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia. Especially to mention is that modders from five new countries join this time to make the competition more exciting. Constants will use Thermaltake liquid cooling components and the Toughpower DPS G RGB 1250W Titanium smart power supply to transform theCore X71 Full Tower Chassis or the Core X5 ATX Cube Chassis into their own creation!


This season Thermaltake added voting function to the Tt MOD App. Now people can use either the desk version of Tt Community or the mobile app to vote for their favorite modders. The Prediction Voting Event begins from September 26th and ends on November 18th. The Final Voting Event will start from December 15th and end on December 29th. Everyone is welcome to register and vote on Tt Community. Voters will have the opportunity to win incredible prizes from Thermaltake, TT Premium, TteSPORTS, LUXA2and other sponsors, including Newegg, Intel, ASUS,and AVEXIR. Thermaltake also offersup to $15,000USD cash prizes in total for the top 3 winners. The winners will be revealed next January.

More details about the event can be found at: http://casemod.thermaltake.com/2016s2


2016 Thermaltake CaseMOD Invitational Season 2 Highlights

CaseMOD with Core X71Full Tower Chassis

Thermaltake’s first chamber concept full tower chassis, the Core X71 delivers a streamlined experience that makes it easier for PC makers and hobbyists to put together high-end systems. With its groundbreaking interior design and the adjustable installation of HDD cage, the Core X71 offers full assembly capacity and expandability for enthusiasts to create massive liquid cooling systems. Moreover, the enlarged side panel window allows users to show off their dedication and skill sets. For more details on the Thermaltake Core X71 Full Tower Chassis, please visit: http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002790


CaseMOD with Core X5ATX Cube Chassis

The Core X5, the new ATX chassis that completes the Core X Series case line, is a cube case offering endless stackable capacity and expandability for enthusiasts to create massive liquid cooling systems for a single system, file server, or even dual systems. Users can customize the chassis for the best viewing presentation with an interchangeable window and I/O panel design. The Core X5 delivers outstanding cooling performance with compatibility for extensive DIY/AIO LCS and overclocking components, further enhancing the reputation that the air-cooling units in this series has become renowned for. It is guaranteed to be an immensely powerful system!

For more details on Thermaltake Core X5 ATX Cube Chassis, please visit:


CaseMOD with Toughpower DPS G RGB 1250W Titanium Smart Power Supply

The Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1250W Titanium is the world’s first PSU pre-installed with a patented 256 colors RGB fan that incorporate various high-tech components, leading technology and Eco-friendly commendations. Featuring 80 PLUS Titanium certification with individually sleeved cable and flat cable, Toughpower DPS G RGB Titanium Series adopts the highest quality components and fully modular design that always accommodate any mainstream build under any circumstance. The combination of Toughpower DPS G RGB Titanium and Smart Power Management (SPM) Platform helps users not just monitor smart power supply units, but also save the energy, reduce CO2 emission, and eventually protect the Earth.

For more details on the Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1250W Titanium, please visit: http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002785

Smart Power Management (SPM) Platform – http://dps.thermaltake.com

Intro to SPM – http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002578#tab1

SPM Guided Tours – https://dps.thermaltake.com/en/video


Meet the Modders

Jon Hansz from the United States, alsoknown as PennyWise, has been a PC game for many years, but it was only around 7 years ago through casemodding he started to combine his passion for PC and art together.


Andrés Sebastián Barés, a modder from Argentina, has transformed several cases since he was 17 years old. He likes to build a case which is not only functional, but also aesthetic. Most of his projects are made for his clients or modding competitions.


Maciel Barreto is a Brazilian modder. He always seeks a chance to create something that is not only innovative and unique, but also can reflect his own style. 80% of his builds are handmade.


Simon Zambrano from Ecuador has done several modding projects since 4 years ago. Some of his builds have been displayed by GIGABYTE and Intel.


Stefan Ulrich is a 30 years old artist from Germany, and established RandomDesign with his wife in 2013. Since 2014, he has already completed many PC modding projects. To him, casemod is more than a hobby, it is a passion.


Bertrand Cucmag has been part of the French modding community for 5 years. His first mod inspired him a lot. The techniques he learned from the build allow him to apply to his future projects, and create cases that have a theme and tell a story.


Michal Lamtych, a programmer from Poland, is passionate about PC modding, and has been involved in this field for14 years.


Anton Popovich from Russia is famous with his casemods for Project Armata and League of Legends. He is also the founder of Godlike Machine that is a community for those who are interested in music, games and PC modding.


Stephen Hoad is a 29 years-old Australian modder from Oz Mods. He has always had a knack and passion for building and creating new things, so PC modding is such a natural fit to him. The Far Cry Primal build is his representative work.


Yu Han is an excellent Chinese modder. He has been engaged in casemod for 6 years. Initially, he just transformed cases for fun, but now he is fully dedicated to this field.


Siwasak Sirisomboon is a professional modder from Thailand. Most of his projects are done by handcraft. To him, casemod is the combination of innovation and creativity.


Irie Ahmad, nicknamed Iren Modz, is from Malaysia, and is doing community works related to IT and PC modding to promote the fun of DIY and PC modding. He believes that modding is an art infused with tech, and most people can do it if they have interest and passion.


Rakesh Sharma is not only a high reputation PC modder in India, but he is also the founder of a review blog site called PCTekindia.com. Recently, one of his builds “HAF X APM Case” received “Cooler Master Maker Challenge” award.


How to Vote and Voting Rules

A weekly voting event will be held on the Tt Community forum and prizes will be given out to members who vote. People can choose to vote via the desktop version or Tt MOD App. The total percentage of the score allocated to Community voting is approximately 25%, with 25% by Thermaltake, 25% by professional modders, and 25% by Newegg.


The Tt Community platform (http://community.thermaltake.com/) is open to all users. We welcome you to join us by interacting and sharing valuable information and experiences with one another. Most importantly, your opinions and ideas will help us better understand your desires and expectations of our products and services. Don’t hesitate; come register and vote for your favorite modder right away!


For more details on the 2016 Thermaltake CaseMod Invitational Season 2, please visit:

Official Website –http://casemod.thermaltake.com/2016s2

Modder Introduction Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKTJhr80UXg&feature=youtu.be

Download Tt MOD App for iOS –


Download Tt MOD App for Android–



Thermaltake official website and community websites:

          Thermaltake official website:


          Thermaltake Tt Community:


          Thermaltake product video link:


          Thermaltake Facebook Fan Page:




For further information about Thermaltake Technology, please visit www.thermaltake.com/default.htm, or contact our customer support at 0800-266-818.

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